African American Civic Leaders Scholarship


Thursday, 18th April 2019

7:00 pm-8:30 pm


Kankakee Public Library

Event Description

In honor of Black History Month the City of Kankakee, in partnership with the Kankakee Public Library, is hosting the 2019 African American Civic Leaders’ Scholarship at the Kankakee Public Library on April 18, 2019. Recipients are invited to attend the event to formally receive their scholarship. There will be a light dessert reception after the ceremony. Ms. Geraldine Adams, MBA/Marketing, will be our keynote speaker for the evening. As a born and raised Kankakee resident, she will offer a valuable perspective to the youth receiving their scholarships, as well as, all in attendance.

En honor al mes de la historia negra, la ciudad de Kankakee, en asociación con la biblioteca pública de Kankakee, acoge la beca de los líderes cívicos afroamericanos 2019 en la biblioteca pública de Kankakee el 18 de abril de 2019. Se invita a los destinatarios a asistir al evento para recibir formalmente su beca. Después de la ceremonia habrá una recepción de postre ligero. La Sra. Geraldine Adams, MBA/marketing, será nuestra ponente principal para la velada. Como residente de Kankakee nacido y criado, ofrecerá una valiosa perspectiva a los jóvenes que reciban sus becas, así como a todos los asistentes.

African American Civic Leaders Scholarship