Kankakee, IL – Residents along Washington Avenue, Water and Wall Streets contacted city officials on Wednesday morning to report a strong odor. Members of the Environmental Services Utility (ESU) began an investigation of the City’s infrastructure. The investigation revealed the source of the odor originated from a local industry that is in full compliance with the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA).
As a result of the investigation, Mayor Wells-Armstrong; Pete Schiel, Superintendent and other city officials met this morning with representatives from the local industry to discuss health and community concerns. Mitigation of the situation has been addressed and the industrial customer has ordered equipment which is anticipated to be implemented within three weeks. Residents can expect the odor to dissipate in the coming days.
“I am very pleased with the communications and collaborative efforts that took place between the industrial customer and the City today. Today’s meeting revealed a teamwork approach with a desire to reach a favorable outcome for the community,” said Mayor Wells-Armstrong.
If residents are impacted by the odor with acute symptoms such as headaches, nausea and so on, they should contact emergency services. City officials will maintain ongoing communications with the industrial customer to assure successful mitigation.
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The City of Kankakee is dedicated to protecting, building and nurturing the community while enhancing lives.
We are a historic, vibrant, and active riverfront community. We continue to transform into an extraordinary place to dream, grow, and thrive. Embracing our diversity, we strive to be progressive, inclusive, and innovative. For more information on the City of Kankakee, please visit the website at www.citykankaee-il.gov.