Kankakee, IL – Strengthening the capacity to build more equitable communities; this continues to be the mission for the National League of Cities (NLC) Race, Equity, and Leadership (REAL) program.
Mayor Wells-Armstrong is set to host a special interview and presentation next Thursday on December 10, 2020 at 7:30 p.m. in partnership with the NLC to discuss more. Keynote speakers include Leon T. Andrews, Director of Race, Equity, and Leadership for the NLC, in addition to, Seantae Byers who is the Senior Executive and Director of Member and Partner Engagement for the NLC.
“The legacy of institutional and structural racism is playing out in front of our eyes in the midst of this pandemic. Even before the coronavirus and the protest and uprisings after the murder of George Floyd, we knew that race was still the strongest predictor of one’s success in this country. From infant mortality to life expectancy – you just have to look at the data. The challenge of this moment invites municipal leaders across the country to engage with their communities on racial equity and to move forward making smart policy decisions that can eliminate racial inequities in all government policies, practices, and procedures,” said Director, Leon Andrews.
Video clips from Race: The Power of an Illusion will be shown to lead into discussion. The public is open to ask questions during the LIVE broadcast. The public can also submit their questions ahead of the interview here: https://citykankakee-il.gov/chatquestions-submit.php.
Since its release in 2003, the series of episodes which focus on identifying potential biases is now one of the most widely used documentaries nationwide.
“This nation has a painful history that has impacted generations of people and in order to attain true healing and recovery, the history must be acknowledged. Furthermore, the pandemic has only exacerbated these issues. Though we have made progress in some areas, we continue to witness the injustice, oppression and violence that exists within our communities. As we move Kankakee forward, we must demonstrate a level of humanity that is rooted in respect for one another, a desire to understand the experiences of others and a commitment to creating a better community for all. I believe this important work starts with our leaders and though these conversations may be uncomfortable, it is important that we create space to safely share our experiences, prioritize our issues and strategize for solutions,” said Mayor Wells-Armstrong.
The broadcast will stream LIVE on Comcast local channel four, the City of Kankakee’s YouTube channel, Facebook page and website at www.citykankakee-il.gov.
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The City of Kankakee is dedicated to protecting, building and nurturing the community while enhancing lives. We are a historic, vibrant, and active riverfront community. We continue to transform into an extraordinary place to dream, grow, and thrive. Embracing our diversity, we strive to be progressive, inclusive, and innovative. For more information on the City of Kankakee, please visit the website at www.citykankakee-il.gov.