Kankakee, IL – Although taxpayers can begin filing now, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced this year’s tax season will start in just a few weeks on February 12, 2021 when they will begin accepting and processing returns. Officials expect the Covid-19 pandemic to have a large impact on 2020 tax returns and stated additional tax reliefs for taxpayers are underway.
The Economic and Community Development Agency (ECDA) is set to host a FREE tax workshop featuring guest speaker, Kankakee County Auditor, Jake Lee.
“It has been said there are two certain things, death and taxes. Since we know taxes are imminent, we must be diligent in our preparation and accurate in our filing,” said Jake Lee, Kankakee County Auditor.
The “Basics for Tax Filing” virtual workshop will be held on Wednesday, January 27, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. via Zoom.
To log in, the Zoom meeting ID is 811 3096 1525 and the password is 034134.
The workshop will also be streamed LIVE on Comcast local channel four, the City of Kankakee’s Facebook page, YouTube channel and website.
“I want to thank our County Auditor, Jake Lee for partnering with the City to provide this resource for our residents. I encourage those to tax advantage of this free ECDA workshop ahead of tax season,” said Mayor Wells-Armstrong.
For more information, visit the ECDA’s website at https://ecda.citykankakee-il.gov/.
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The City of Kankakee is dedicated to protecting, building and nurturing the community while enhancing lives. We are a historic, vibrant, and active riverfront community. We continue to transform into an extraordinary place to dream, grow, and thrive. Embracing our diversity, we strive to be progressive, inclusive, and innovative. For more information on the City of Kankakee, please visit the website at www.citykankakee-il.gov.
Download the Press Release - ECDA to Host Tax Basics Workshop with Guest Speaker Jake Lee