National Lead Poisoning and Prevention Week


October 17, 2022

My name is Miya Petitgoue and I was recently hired as a Program Manager working specifically with the Healthy Homes Production Grant. Since being hired, I have also had the opportunity to go to OTS Training (Occupational Training & Supply) to become knowledgeable within the field to better serve the residents in Kankakee. Currently, I am certified through the following courses to perform these duties:

  1. Lead Inspector Initial – certified to do inspections.
  2. Lead Risk Assessor Initial – certified to do risk assessments.

As I continue in training I will also gain the following certifications:

  1. Lead Abatement Worker – certified in knowledge of requirements for lead abatement work.
  2. Lead Abatement Supervisor Initial – certified to supervise lead abatement work.

In the short time I have been with ECDA, I have had the opportunity to begin helping residents through the Healthy Homes Production Grant. ECDA has a great team that helps assist residents in office, over phone calls, text, and emails to ensure that their applications get complete. This team takes pride in serving residents of the City of Kankakee.

Next week (October 23rd – 29th) is National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week. While the United States has made great strides in reducing lead exposure to children and families, there is still more work to be done. In 1978 the United States issued a final rule determining that it is in the public interest to ban the use of lead-containing paint in residential property (42 FR 44199).

While this ruling prevented the creation of new lead-based paint hazards in residential homes after 1978, homes built in the U.S. before 1978 are still likely to have some level of lead-based paint. When the paint peels and cracks, it makes lead paint chips and dust. The paint chips and dust that it creates as it deteriorates are some of the most widespread sources of hazardous lead exposure for young children in the United States. Any surface covered with lead-based paint where the paint may wear by rubbing or friction is likely to cause lead dust in areas including; windows, doors, floors, porches, stairways, and cabinets to name a few.


  1. Have your child tested for lead exposure – in Illinois, this is a part of school registration for children under 6 years old
  2. Check your home – if you live in a home built before 1978, have it inspected for lead
  3. Avoid certain children’s products and toys – imported toys, antique toys may contain lead
  4. Wash hands and toys – make sure your children wash their hands and face after playing outside or with pets
  5. Renovate safely – sanding or scraping paint in homes built before 1978, can release lead dust

The Economic and Community Development Agency (ECDA) of the City of Kankakee has a Lead Poisoning Prevention and Abatement Grant Program that focuses on residents within the City of Kankakee who live in homes built before 1978 that may contain lead-based paint. The program gives property owners the opportunity to have their properties inspected for possible lead hazards. If any lead hazard is identified on the property, it is then mitigated. For more information on the Lead Poisoning Prevention and Abatement Grant Program, or other programs we offer residents, please do not hesitate to check the website or call our office at 815.933.0506.